Tantra represents a journey towards self-realisation, offering a profound understanding of our divine essence. My events are designed to draw upon Tantric wisdom to explore aspects of life, with an emphasis on self-discovery, self-acceptance and self-love. This exploration takes place against the backdrop of relationships - the relationship we have with ourselves and others - and intimacy, recognising them as an important part of our human journey.

"The voice you are bringing to the Tantra/sacred sexuality conversation is so important and radical. Being able to exist in a mixed, sexually charged space, held by a strong, grounded feminine energy is a powerful thing to experience as a woman." — Mena

Upcoming Events

  • Awakening the Sacred Feminine: A Tantric Journey into Breast De-armouring (Women only workshop)

    📅 Sunday 19 May 2024

    ⏰ 11:00 pm - 2:15 pm (Arrival at 10:45 am for a prompt start)

    📍 Centre 151, 151 Whiston Road, London, E2 8GU

    💷 £40 per person

    Our breasts are integral to our love centre and emotional well-being. When we experience trauma, intense stimulation, or bodily changes like breastfeeding or surgery, energy can become stagnant in the breast area, leading to "breast armour." This armour can hinder the flow of love, joy and creative expression, impacting our physical, sexual and emotional health.

    Breasts are sensitive receptors of emotions and the nipples act as sponges that absorb external energies. Regular breast massage is crucial for releasing energies that don't belong to us and promoting the unhindered flow of life-force energy.

    During this workshop, we will:

    ​🌀 Deepen our connection with our breasts.

    🌀 Release negative energies and restore sensation through self-breast massages and self-de-armoring techniques.

    🌀 Work on opening the heart chakra and processing stuck emotions​ through sound and movement.

    🌀 Take ownership of our breasts and release armour to allow for life force energy to move freely.

    Contraindications for Breast Massage:

    💫 Not advisable if undergoing treatment that makes breast tissue more delicate or sensitive.

    💫 Avoid if in treatment to rebuild breast tissue maybe after cancer treatment, radiation or infection,

    💫 Do not perform massage directly on any undiagnosed lumps or abnormalities.


    To ensure an intimate setting, spaces are limited to 12 women. Breast de-armouring and massage will be conducted individually, and participants can choose whether to keep their tops on or off. Some exercises and practices will involve working in pairs. The space will be held with the highest degree of integrity and safety.


    To secure your spot for this workshop, kindly make a payment of £40 to;

    Binta Patel Ltd.



    Once you've completed the payment, kindly fill out the form below. This will help us ensure a smooth process and keep you informed about any further details or updates. After you have registered, you will be sent a health form that you will be required to complete to attend.

  • Sacred Feminine De-Armouring Circles

    📅 Saturday 22 June 2024

    📅 Saturday 20 July 2024

    ⏰ 10 am - 12:00 pm (Arrival at 09:50 am for a prompt start)

    📍 Centre 151, 151 Whiston Road, London, E2 8GU

    💷 £20 per person - Booking is necessary. Places are limited to 12.

    This session is designed to deepen your connection with the sacred feminine, focusing on self-expression and exploring emotions tied to your sexuality.

    The practices will include:

    🎶 Sounding: Engage in vocal practices to release stored emotions and energies.

    🌪️ Somatic Practices For The Heart: Open the energy of the heart and cultivate a deeper connection with your emotional landscape.

    🌬️ Tantric Breathwork: Working with the breath and kriyas, we will connect with sexual energy.

    In this session, we embrace a holistic approach to de-armouring, providing avenues to address diverse blockages within our bodies. This involves both direct work with trauma and harnessing the power of sexual energy for healing.

    This Circle is for:

    🫧 Women seeking emotional healing within the realms of relationships and sexuality.

    🫧 Those eager to explore and embrace sensuality, sacred sexuality and Shakti energy.

    🫧 Women looking for a sacred and supportive space for self-discovery with other sisters.


    To secure your spot for this circle, kindly make a payment of £20 to;

    Binta Patel Ltd.



    Once you've completed the payment, kindly fill out the form below. This will help us ensure a smooth process and keep you informed about any further details or updates. After you have registered, you will be sent a health form that you will be required to complete to attend.