"With more than two decades of dedicated learning and personal application of spiritual and tantric practices, my journey has evolved into guiding groups in their quest to develop individual practices and explore teachings from various schools. This experience has ignited my calling to provide support to those seeking to discover their unique connection with spirituality and tantra."

What is Tantra?

Tantra, originating in India around the 6th Century, serves as both a life philosophy and a spiritual practice. Rooted in Hindu and Buddhist traditions, it has also left its imprint on other Eastern religions like Daoism, Shinto, Jainism and Tibetan Bon. The term "tantra" (तन्त्र) in Sanskrit derives from "tan," which means "to expand," "to weave," or "to spread." This etymology reflects the foundational concepts of expansion, interconnectedness and weaving together various aspects of life that are central to the philosophy and practices of tantra.

In the Tantric perspective, everything is sacred. It perceives all material reality as imbued with divine feminine energy, known as Shakti. An individual's dormant source of Shakti resides at the base of their spine as Kundalini, often depicted as a serpent. Kundalini is intricately connected to a network of energy channels called nadis and energy centres known as chakras. Many Tantric practices, including pranayama, mudras, mantras, meditation, and yogic purification rituals are used to awaken Kundalini energy. These rituals aim to expand consciousness and liberate the practitioner from the confines of the physical realm.

What sets Tantra apart from other spiritual traditions is its focus on liberation through the physical body rather than transcendence. Tantric practices are designed to channel universal energies into the practitioner, thereby breaking the shackles of ignorance and suffering and facilitating union with the Divine.

Tantra as a philosophy for life invites you to embrace the fullness of your existence, transcend limitations, and seek a deeper connection with yourself, others and the Universe. It encourages a mindful, loving, and holistic approach to living that can lead to a more fulfilling and spiritually enriched life journey.

Love and Compassion

Love and compassion are central tenets of Tantra. It teaches that love is a powerful force that can heal, transform, and elevate. By cultivating love and compassion for oneself and others, you can foster deeper connections and contribute to the wellbeing of the world.

Mindfulness and Presence

Tantra places a strong emphasis on mindfulness and being present in the moment. It encourages one to fully engage with their experiences, whether in meditation, intimate relationships or daily activities. This heightened awareness can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and one's surroundings.


Tantra teaches acceptance and embraces all aspects of life, including both pleasurable and challenging experiences. It encourages you to transcend judgment and shame related to your thoughts and emotions and promotes self-love and self-acceptance.

Holistic Approach

Tantra places significant emphasis on adopting a holistic approach to life, acknowledging the intricate interconnections among every facet of our existence. It encourages one to weave together their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual ‘parts’, viewing them as interrelated components of a unified whole.

Sensual Exploration

While Tantra does encompass practices related to sacred sexuality, it's not solely about physical pleasure. It teaches that our sensual and erotic experiences can be pathways to spiritual growth and connection. It encourages exploring these aspects of life with intention, reverence and an understanding of their sacred nature.

Connection and Unity

Tantra emphasises the interconnectedness of all beings and the Universe. It teaches that we are all part of a larger whole, and by recognising this unity, you can experience a sense of oneness with the Divine and with others. Tantra encourages the dissolution of boundaries that separate us from each other and from the Universe.


Tantra aims at transcending limitations, including societal conditioning, egoic constraints, and dualistic thinking. It invites you to move beyond the constraints of your ordinary consciousness and experience higher states of awareness and consciousness.

Spiritual Evolution

Tantra views life as a journey of spiritual evolution and self-realisation. It encourages one to continually seek growth, self-discovery and a deeper connection with the Divine. This spiritual evolution is not limited to a specific religious or dogmatic framework but is a personal and experiential path.

Tantra as a Philosophy for for Life

“Love is overflowing joy. Love is when you have seen who you are; then there is nothing left except to share your being with others. Love is when you have seen that you are not separate from existence. Love is when you have felt an organic, orgasmic unity with all that is.

Love is not a relationship. Love is a state of being; it has nothing to do with anybody else. One is not in love, one is love. And of course when one is love, one is in love - but that is an outcome, a by-product, that is not the source. The source is that one is love”. ~ Osho

Tantra encompasses a range of practices and teachings aimed at broadening consciousness, attaining spiritual enlightenment and forging a connection with the Divine or Universal consciousness.

  • Yoga

    Yoga is a fundamental aspect of Tantra and involves physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), and other practices aimed at harmonising the body, mind, and spirit. Tantra Kriya Yoga emphasises the awakening of kundalini energy, which is believed to reside at the base of the spine. Through yoga practices, this dormant energy is guided upwards through the energy channels (nadis) and chakras, leading to higher states of consciousness.

  • Meditation

    Meditation in Tantra is a means of cultivating mindfulness, inner awareness, and a deep connection with the self and the divine. Various meditation techniques are employed, such as mantra meditation (repetition of sacred sounds), visualisations, and mindfulness practices. The goal of meditation in Tantra is to still the mind, transcend the ego, and experience a profound sense of unity and oneness.

  • Prana

    Prana is a Sanskrit term that translates to "life force" or "vital energy." It's the subtle energy that flows through everything in the universe, including humans. Prana is vital for sustaining life and is closely related to breath, as the act of breathing is a primary way of drawing in and distributing prana throughout the body. In yogic and Ayurvedic traditions, prana is believed to flow through energy channels called nadis and is associated with the chakras, which are energy centres in the body.

  • Rituals

    Rituals are an essential part of Tantric practice, often involving specific ceremonies, symbols, and offerings. These rituals are intended to create a sacred space, invoke divine energies, and facilitate a deeper connection with the divine. Rituals can vary widely but are typically performed with a focused intention, devotion, and a sense of reverence.

  • Sacred Sexuality

    Sacred sexuality is a distinctive aspect of Tantra that views sexual energy as a powerful force for spiritual growth and transformation. It involves practices between partners that are approached with mindfulness, reverence, and a sense of the sacred. By channelling life force energy and transcending the physical aspects of intimacy, practitioners aim to achieve a higher level of spiritual consciousness and unity with their partner and the Divine.

Ancestral Tantra Kriya Yoga

Ancestral Tantra Kriya Yoga (ATKY) is a spiritual practice aimed at achieving spiritual growth, self-realisation and connection with the Divine.

It includes physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), meditation (dhyana) and the conscious channelling of energy, involving the exploration of emotions, energy and sexual energy.

ATKY is different from traditional yoga in that it;

  • sees joy, bliss and ecstasy as integral to spiritual growth;

  • focuses on expanding consciousness;

  • has a strong emphasis on awakening and channelling life force energy also referred to as Kundalini (sexual energy);

  • works on physical, mental, emotional, psychological and energetic healing;

  • embraces Tantra philosophy by integrating opposing forces like masculine and feminine energies.

Key Elements of Ancestral Tantra Kriya Yoga

  • Integration of Energy

    Tantra Kriya Yoga involves practices to harness and channel energy (prana) throughout the body. This can include breathwork (pranayama) and specific physical postures aimed at awakening and directing Kundalini (sexual) energy.

  • Sacred Sexuality

    Sacred Sexuality in Tantra Kriya Yoga embraces the sacred and conscious dimensions of sexuality, considering it a pathway to connect with the Divine. It's important to note that the practices do not involve sexual activity and are approached with deep reverence and mindfulness.

  • Emotional Regulation

    Tantra Kriya Yoga recognises the role of emotions in spiritual growth. Practices may involve cultivating awareness of emotions, understanding their energy and learning to navigate and transcend emotional patterns.

  • Spiritual Transformation

    The ultimate goal of Tantra Kriya Yoga is spiritual evolution and self-realisation. Practitioners aim to transcend limitations, connect with higher states of consciousness and experience a profound sense of unity with the Divine.



The End of Your World by Adayshanti. | A guide to a new world, a state of oneness.

Moola Bandha: The Master Key | This book looks at all aspects of the Tantric practice of Moola Bandha, and is an important work for serious students of Tantra and Kundalini Yoga.

Kundalini Tantra | A guide to two of the most fundamental concepts of Tantra, namely Kundalini and the Chakras.

Sex & Happiness: The Tantric Laws of Intimacy - Laurie Handlers | A look into modern intimacy establishing a new paradigm

50 Misconceptions of Sex -A Modern Tantric Practice - Alexa Vartman | By clarifying 50 common misconceptions, the book explains and teaches a simple practice of intimate mastery. The book brings the physical and mental effects of esoteric tantra within reach of a modern 21st-century audience.

Margot Anand International bestselling author and the world’s leading authority on Tantra.

The Bhagavad Gita (Classic of Indian Spirituality) | Bhagavad Gita means "Song of the Spirit," the divine communion of truth-realization between man and his Creator.

Life Visioning: A Transformative Process for Activating Your Unique Gifts and Highest Potential - Michael Bernard Beckwith |What is the purpose of the unique blend of gifts, skills, experiences, and perspectives that you alone possess?


Erotic Blueprint - Your Erotic Blueprint is a map to your own wiring and your own turn-on,”. “People speak different erotic languages, and we can learn how to speak any of them.”

Colour Quiz to find out your sexual preferences.

Retreats & Training Courses

TrueTantra offers events and trainings on Tantra, primal shamanism, Tantra kriya yoga and sacred sexuality.

Osho Leela is a personal development centre in Dorset run by a community.

Jan Day - Workshops and training | Living with Tantra

Wild Tantra Pema Gitama author and Tantra teacher

Brahma Kumaris is a spiritual Worldwide University that offers online and in-person courses and retreats on raja yoga meditations.


21 Day Tantra Kriya Yoga practices from my teacher, Anand Rudra.

TNT’s 21 Day Challenge is a free online course to learn tantric sex at home.

Wheel of Consent by Betty Martin - A life-changing tool to create more integrity and empowerment through the quality of touch.

RBDSM Conversation - A guide to conscious communication using an RBDSM (Relationship, Boundaries, Desire, Sex, Meaning, (Aftercare)) conversation.


Reflections on the Path | Tara Brach


Happiness Unlimited - BK Shivani | Brahma Kumaris

Soul Connections - BK Shivani | Brahma Kumaris


The Spiritual Awakening Show

What is Kundalini Awakening with Pema Gitama


Elevating Your Tantra Practice ~ Sublimation, Purification, and Polarity

What Is Neotantra? Understanding Modern vs. Classical Tantra