When you start to experience feelings of stress, anxiety or overwhelm try this technique to help shift unwanted emotions or feelings.

  • Notice 5 things around you that you can see. Become aware of your surroundings. Search out things that are near and far.

  • Notice 4 things you can feel e.g. the air on your skin, your clothes, the ground, the physical sensations inside of the body.

  • Notice 3 things you can hear (not your thoughts).  Start with the furthest sound and move closer until you can hear the sounds inside of your body.

  • Notice 2 things you can smell.  If you can’t smell something in your immediate vicinity take a walk and see what you encounter.

  • Notice something that you can taste e.g gum, coffee, your lunch

Focusing on your senses will help you be more mindful, bringing you into the present moment and reduce your fight, flight, freeze response when you feel stressed or overwhelmed.


Navigate challenging situations with greater compassion, kindness & understanding