Navigate challenging situations with greater compassion, kindness & understanding


This is one of my favourite poses, particularly after a day at my laptop. It allows the diaphragm to move more freely and facilitates a greater expansion of the ribs. Allowing the breath to become deeper and the nervous system to switch from its usual fight, flight, freeze mode into the more nourishing rest and digest mode. It’s also a strong heart opener which can help release feelings of fear, anger and uncertainty. So please nurture that if this is your experience.

Practising opening the heart in challenging situations can help create more compassion, kindness, understanding and love.

  1. Place a bolster, yoga brick or a rolled blanket in the centre of your yoga mat

  2. Gently come to lie over your prop placing it under the mid back (this is where the bra strap sits on a woman)

  3. Take the arms overhead, if that doesn’t feel too strong or hurt your lower back. Alternatively, have them in at a t-shape at shoulder height.

  4. If you feel this strongly in your lower back keep your knees bent. Place a blanket under your head if the chin is too high. 

  5. Breath deeply into the belly, ribs and chest, without harding or over efforting. Notice the sensations in the heart centre. Keep bringing your attention back to the sensations and notice how your feelings and thoughts shift from moment to moment. Simply watch and observe without judgement or expectation. 

  6. Stay in the pose for 2-3 mins or longer. Then gently support yourself into a seated position and pause observing how your feeling. It may feel nice to come into a gentle fold forward or come into child’s pose for a few rounds of breaths.


Finding balance


Reduce Stress